Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Raw Milk Fast

We started the milk fast on Monday.  We haven't been perfect, both my husband and I gave in to a snack in the late afternoon, but most of our intake was from raw milk, along with a kefir and berry smoothie at dinner time.  I actually felt somewhat ill after the snack (a teeny slice of leftover gluten free pizza) so I guess that was a good reminder.  I went back and read newsletters from when Free The Animal did his raw milk/kefir intervention, and he had good success with it even with easing into it and having food occasionally, so I don't feel so bad.  I felt fine for most of the day, a bit hungry but much less than I expected.  I did get a headache in the early evening, we were working in the garden and I suspect it was from dehydration.  I haven't been thirsty because of all of the fluids from the milk, but I've also been going to the bathroom a lot so I'll have to make sure I get more water in along with the milk.

The weather is so strange, it was sunny and 72 on Monday, got up around 80 yesterday, and yet it's going to turn bitter cold tonight.  I really hope this is winter's last gasp.  I continued to have a headache all day yesterday, not sure if it's detoxing from the fast, dehydration (I am drinking water too), or a potential tooth issue seeing as I've had an achy jaw for several days.  I don't think it's caffeine withdrawal because I am still having a shot of cold espresso in my morning and mid-afternoon cups of milk.  I put down the chicken wire and weed barrier in the new raised bed, took my daughter to softball practice, and ran a few errands, and that really wiped me out.  I kinda see why the original medical milk diet called for bedrest...  Unfortunately, all the working outside has caused me to neglect indoor chores and I have to play catch up on those.

My husband and I have decided that once we finish the milk that's in the fridge we are going to switch over to a strict Paleo style diet for the rest of the month.  It's been difficult to drink enough milk (or carry enough with us) to sustain our current level of physical activity, and that isn't negotiable because we have to get the garden going in time for spring.  Still, it's been an interesting experiment, and I might try it again during a more suitable time when I'm able to incorporate more rest.

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